Contact Us

If your inquiry is related to paper testing materials, manuals, or administrative packets for the Static-99, STABLE-2007, or ACUTE-2007 instruments, please contact Dr. Karl Hanson, as we do not provide the paper instruments. Dr. Hanson will also be able to provide better direction regarding the use of these instruments and the different training options that are available. His contact information is as follows:

R. Karl Hanson, Ph.D.
Corrections Research
Public Safety Canada
340 Laurier Ave., West
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P8

phone: 613 991 2840   email:

Our SORAF system allows you to administer the assessments electronically, so that you don't need the paper forms and scoring sheets. You can administer the assessment online and it will automatically score it for you. In addition, we have available a "Combined Report" that can be created by selecting any Static, Stable, and Acute assessment that is in the system and the system will summarize the information from these assessments in one report.

To request a demo of SORAF or for more information, please contact us.

Cyzap, Inc.
Phone: 402.697.1277
Fax: 623.258.4195


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